🌟 Take the Ultimate Feng Shui Quiz! 🌟

Discover Your Feng Shui Score!

Discover Your Feng Shui Score!

Curious about your Feng Shui situation? Let's assess your space's harmony level and identify areas for improvement. Take this engaging quiz and find out!

1. Which area of your home needs the most attention?

Bedroom (+1 point)
Living Room (+2 points)
Kitchen (+3 points)
Office (+4 points)

2. How organized is your space?

Immaculate, everything has a place (+4 points)
Mostly organized, with occasional clutter (+3 points)
A bit chaotic, could use some tidying up (+2 points)
Complete chaos, in dire need of decluttering (+1 point)

3. Are there any broken items or repairs needed?

None, everything is in perfect condition (+4 points)
A few minor repairs, but nothing major (+3 points)
Several broken items that need fixing (+2 points)
Too many to count, it's time for a renovation (+1 point)

4. Do you have natural elements in your space (plants, water features, etc.)?

Yes, plenty of natural elements throughout (+4 points)
A few, but could use more (+3 points)
Minimal, could benefit from adding more (+2 points)
None, my space lacks any natural elements (+1 point)

5. How does your space make you feel?

Calm and peaceful (+4 points)
Mostly comfortable, with occasional stress (+3 points)
Restless and uneasy (+2 points)
Overwhelmed and drained (+1 point)

.6 How is the lighting in your space?

7. How often do you clean and declutter your space?

8. How is the flow of energy (chi) in your space?


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